Since I returned from Costa Rica (hence my lack of updates since August), I have had many distractions. While the beach is conducive to relaxing and having fun, it's not so great for drawing, so I didn't get much done. Upon returning I had a number of other projects and family business to see to, and that has taken me away for the whole month of September! Now that I am back however, and more or less recovered from the travel (which always makes me lazy and stupid for a good while after), I am trying to get back to work. So I am forcing myself to update this blog.
Today's doll is by Peggy Jo Rosamund. Her dolls have always creeped me out because they are done in the style of old bisque and cloth dolls rather than "real people". They are rendered beautifully and the clothes are always exquisite, but those doll heads and joints just creep me out. Anyway, that didn't keep me from recently acquiring this small set representing Robert E. Lee and his wife done up as dolls circa 1860. The set includes uniforms from Lee's time in the Corp of Topographical Engineers (1839), with a lovely circa 1831 gown for Mary Custis; from Lee's time as Superintendent at West Point (1850s), which is the image shown; and during the Civil War.
It's a nice doll that I don't intend to cut. I also understand that Rosamund died earlier this year or last year (recently), so that makes it a nice keepsake.
Paper Dolls Downloads
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December 2012